Disaster Health and Environment Management Foundation

Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction Program :

DHEM foundation implemented a project in collaboration with SEEDs-India and NSET-Nepal. The title was, ‘Campaigns in High Risk Countries on Emerging Challenges in Bangladesh: Factory Safety’. It was conducted successfully as per the program schedule.

This programme was supported by another organization called ADRRN.  Representatives from various departments actively participated in the program. It included members from factory management, factory workers, private sector workers, GoB, personnel, engineers, disaster management specialists and training specialists etc.

From the needs assessment, training and workshop programme, the participants chalked out some unique recommendation for ensuring factory safety.

They also expressed their willingness in organizing similar safety programmes in other factories. They requested to include active participation from private organization, Government of Bangladesh personnel and all representatives from all levels of the workforce, e.g. managers, supervisors and workers.

The high level objective of the Factory Safety program was to ensure:  


  • Coordination,
  • Implementation
  • Capacity Building and
  • Strategic policy advocacy

To ensure this, DHEM Foundation implemented the following :


  • Initiated survey programmes within the industries to find out the gaps between health and safety issues
  • Conducted training and awareness programs to enhance capacity building
  • Organized awareness Programme within the garments industry
  • Attended Research for Health in Humanitarian Crisis (R2HC) in Bangkok, Thailand, Training Workshop on Monitoring and Evaluation in Nepal and Social Accountability in India etc.