Disaster Health and Environment Management Foundation

Risk Management Framework in Local Disaster Risk Reduction Action Plan :

DHEM Foundation has been implementing various Disaster Risk Reduction Programmes from the very first year of its operation.

As a part of these initiatives, DHEM Foundation implemented a programme on Risk Management Framework in Local Disaster Reduction Action Plan (LDRRAP).

This programme was supported by United Nation Development Programme (UNDP), DFID & Ministry of Food and Disaster Management (MoFDM)‐Government of Bangladesh.

The main issues covered by this programme : 

  • To develop, support and culminate operationally effective Local Disaster Risk Reduction Action Plans (LDRRAP)
  • To significantly reduce the vulnerability of the community against natural hazards
  • To ensure post disaster (flood) prevention of water borne and sanitation related diseases
  • To enroll people in planning, implementation, operation and maintenance of the community facilities
  • To participate in the annual seminar of Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (AMCDRR) on a continual basis