Galachipa Relief Program

DHEM Foundation arranged food relief program in Galachipa, Kalapara, and Rangabali as per previously agreed upon plans.


In collaboration with CIS, DHEM arranged 250 pieces of food pack and Tarpaulin for distribution, respectively.



The distribution drive took place during 11 to 20 June, 2020.


During that time, in every relief spot, around 25 people gathered. The relief spots were pre-determined and pre-announced to the recipients, so that no single spot gets too crowded. This was crucial as it was during the pandemic phase and it also agreed with the regulations set by the government.  


Everyone has maintained social distance and safety measurement while waiting in queue. DHEM team marked circle to make understand of visible social distance to the local community.  Elderly people were supported by CIS team by providing the relief directly in their home. DHEM member also went door-to-door to provide food assistance and tarpaulin who were badly in need of help.






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